Test Knitter of the Month - September
Each month I’ll like to feature a test knitter from one of my designs.
My hope for a part of this blog is to feature the knitters who spend their time helping me execute a hand knitting pattern. Test knitting, especially garments, are a critical part of the design process and I wouldn’t be able to do it without their valuable feedback.
It’s been important for me to connect with knitters, and people in general, on a human level. My hope is that these introductions will help us connect to others that are more than what we see on the surface.
Brush of Color tank.
Mile Road tank in Nomadic Knits Issue 7: Michigan.
Test Knitter of the Month - September Feature: Inge
How do you identify? I’m Inge (she/her), born in the south east of the Netherlands and currently living in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. I live there with my spouse and our two cats. Three days a week I work as a social worker for the city council. It’s an interesting job, but I see a lot of social problems, such as debts, illiteracy, homelessness and poverty and it is quite hard for me to understand how that can happen in a rich European country.
How many years have you been knitting? What’s your knitting origin story? I’ve been knitting for 3.5 years. When I was young, my grandmother taught me how to knit but I never took it up. When my sister was diagnosed with acute leukemia I took up crochet as I needed something to keep my mind off worrying about her (She’s doing great now). Because I preferred knitted garments I switched to knitting.
Which pattern did you test knit? What size, if garment, and yarns did you use? I made the Mile Road tank in size 6 from Nomadic Knits 7, using CaMaRose Økologisk Sommeruld. The other pattern I test knitted was the Brush of Color tank, also in size 6. I used Hansafarm Organic Merino DK for MC and CC1 and Kate Selene Superwash Merino DK for CC2.
What is your favorite thing about test knitting or why do you test knit? Mostly because I like the design, and to help with making sure the pattern is as good as possible when it’s released. I can give tips about how comprehensive a pattern is for people for who English is not their native language. I can also help the designer to show the design on different body types and in different sizes, since I’m on the bustier side.
What other making superpowers do you have? I’m also a film photographer, I’ve designed a couple of knitting patterns and I started making my own cosmetics.
Where can readers find your makes? You can see my knitting stuff on Instagram, @ingeknits.
What other aspects of life are you passionate about besides making? For those wanting to check out my photography and non-knitting stuff, that’s @inge_leipsig on IG.